PURCHASE Full Album: Dressed To The Nines… Armed To The Teeth
BEFORE NOW: literally (and I mean literally) this album was not available ANYWHERE. However, I have legally-obtained multiple unopened CDs of the album Dressed To The Nines… Armed To The Teeth by Massivivid. And for the first time (ever?) I’m selling them to true fans and albums collectors! 🙂
If you are interested, please use the Buy Now button below and I will mail you a brand new and unopened CD right away. This is a rare and collectible item so I am selling for $75/copy.
I have a signed hard-copy; the jewel case is pretty dirty, but I’m sure it could be easily swapped out for another one.
I wish you guys would make more music! I really do!
I suppose I should’ve left my email address for interested parties…
If you want the copy mentioned above, let me know at [email protected] and we can discuss a monetary or skill-based trade. 🙂
THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!! I really can’t thank you enough! I’ve been searching for the full album online and nothing! I’ve been trying to purchase this for a long time! I am so happy you posted this! VERY AWESOME OF YOU TO DO THIS!
Thanks! Any possibility you could post a higher-quality version? FLAC maybe? Or 320kbps MP3?
I’ve got boxes of the stuff.
Oh, and please stop letting people download it for free.
What do you have available?!?
I was introduced to Wally’s/Franky’s music, by my grandmother Lillian, after Deitiphobia’s Clean record. She sent me home with two cassettes, one being a demo from 1990, and the other being the aforementioned full length release. No, she was not a fan of Industrial Rock n’ Roll by any means, but she and I are related to Wally/Franky. He is my cousin on her side. Regardless of relation, Dressed to the Nines is one of my favorite records. I have actually owned two hard copies, one of which I ordered from the Accidental Sirens site the day the record was released, and the second from an Ebay listing in 2011 (my first copy was broken in half). I have everything from Deitiphobia and Massivivid, except for the mp3.com releases. I also have the X-Propagation and Wigtop records that Brent put out, and even the official donderfliegen cassette demo, all of which is fantastic, but Dressed to the Nines is still the one that I play most often. It is simply perfect. Honestly, if it weren’t for my cousin’s releases (especially the earlier ones) I probably would not create the music that I do.
~ A.
Are these albums still available for purchase? Want to make sure before I send money.
Yes I still have a few albums available.
Do you have any update as to where Wally and the rest of the band are today? I loved Massivivid and Deitiphobia and used to talk to Wally fairly regularly on AOL instant messanger. I remember him saying he was working on a 2 disc album called Pigeonholed with one of the discs being a remix cd. Miss the band!
is there anyone who could possibly provide a digital copy of this album?. I love it a lot, but the best quality I could find was 128 kbps mp3 which is frustrating because of the lower quality. I don’t realy whant to get a cd because $75 is a lot and I’m not a collector, I just want a digital copy in much better quality like WAVE, flak, or 320kbps mp3. if anyone here can help me out I would be incredibly grateful!
I want to put this on vinyl.
How much of the $75 goes to the band?
Do you still have any copies of this album?
Yes, plenty
Do you have dressed to the nines cd’s still? If so, I’d like to buy one.
I do. There is a purchase link right on the website you can use. 🙂
Hi. I have the 7 song demo CD under the name of Vivid. Would you be willing to trade a Dtt9s for that? Hoss
I am deeply saddened that I may never hear this album again.